Somerset EV

Agricultural Electric Conversion Service

About Somerset EV

Somerset EV was created from a passion for electric vehicles and the desire to see old vehicles avoid the scrapyard for as long as possible. Focusing mostly on agricultural vehicles, conversions, repairs and upgrades to electric drive trains and batteries.

Please get in contact if you have a project in mind and we can discuss your requirements.

Tractors and Agricultural machinery

Many small farm machines are ideal for electric conversion, especially those with low power reqreuiments and low daily useage. 

Example projects already completed include a quad bike, Bobman sawdust spreader and a less agricultural MG F.

A concept tractor project is currently under testing with the restoration and conversion of a Layland 255. With the intent of discovering the energy usage of a small tractor for multiple farming activities

Consultancy and  Conversions

Somerset EV can offer consultancy and advice for potential projects or ideas, or carry out as much of the conversion work as needed. 

Repairs and Upgrades

We are also able to replace or upgrade batteries on older electric UTVs and similar vehicles.